This one is actually typical Havyaka dosa. I make this dosa in most of the weekends. My husband likes the aroma and texture of this dosa. In his own words "It's King of dosa's in the real sense in that it looks pretty,tastes great and healthier as well as it has cucumber(less carb more vitamin c)". Eat it with coconut chutney and a little bit of fresh ghee and you won't ask for more. :-)
2 large english cucumber
2 cups idli rice
4tbs urad dal
salt to taste
jaggery little
1tsp oil
Method :
1) Wash and soak the rice,urad dal for 3-4 hours .
2) Wash and peel the skin of cucumber and cut this in to small little pieces .
3) Grind together cucumber pieces and rice mixture to make fine paste .Mix the salt and jaggery and keep it aside for 1-2 hours .
4) Heat the tawa ,brush little oil and make a paper thin dosa that i have shown below using plastic sheet or banana leaf.

You can also use this banana leaf for spreading the dosa .
5) Serve hot with any chutney or sabzi of your choice ..Enjoi :D
My very close friends Priya sriram ,Sangeetha ,Laxmi ,And many more friends have passed on this cute award to me. Thanks a lot dear friends . I am passing on this award to all my blogger buddies, who have been encouraging me to share more recipes.
Please pick this award. :)
WOw crispy and thin cucumber dosa looks amazing Mangala, .....congrats on ur award dear!
Mangala, nice way of making dosa... shall take them as tips while making Dosas... Looks like I am in a dosa mela, ohh so crispy and nice color...
WOW!! How thin and crispy. Must tastes great. Great technique you have just like making Crepes in France with wooden spatula!
Great post, enjoy your award and the weekend. Monday matte Sigona!:)
That amazing..the way you make it Mangala..I am sure I can never master tht art..(struggling to make a normal dosa..:D)..I would so love to hav a bite,as I cant imagine the taste..:)
(dear,if posble remove this word verification,its a pain)
That's such a great idea to make dosa..it's looking so yummy. Am sure the title of king of Dosa fits this aptly
very thin n crispy..hey you have very creative ideas ..where can i get that palstic paper..clorful paper too :)very nice..thanks for the recipe..i will definetely give a try :)
=> priya ..Thanks for ur quick comment ..:)
=>Ramya ..sure anytime u r most welcome dear
=>Asha ..wow ! thanks for ur word .
have a nice weekend ..thanks soo much
=>Varsha ...ohh dear ..i am also learning to make it ...sure dear thanks
=>Sakshi ..Thanks da have a nice weekend
=>lavanya ...hey thanks soo much dear ...give it a try and let me know thanks soo much ...hey its actully my husabnds file sheet..u know i cut it in to small peice and made dosa out of this :D
you are a creative gal for sure..thanks for the quick reply dear:)
wow, my co-sis is also a havyaka. but, i have never seen her spreading the dosa this way dearie..., even she prepares amazing dosas :)
good work Mangala, keep it going
hey Mangala,lovely cucumber dosas.I remember the time when I used to come to your house & you used to prepare such lovely dosas and serve us .and because of you I learnt to prepare such nice dosas .thanku so much.and thats a good Idea of cutting your husbands file sheet to prepare dosas.
Cucumber dosa is a new one Mangala! Sounds cool and yumm! :)
Congrats on the award dear! Thats the best pic ever taken for a dosa (to my knowledge) :D
wow! that looks awesome. that's the crispiest dosa i've ever seen...
mmh thats a nice crunchy dosa that too with cucumbers ...got to try soon. congrats on the award dear!
And,have a nice weekend.
Hi Mangala,
Love sautekai dose very much for it's flavour ...naavu normal dose thara ne hakodu tava mel;e :) but nimma dosa haako type nodi flat agbitte ri! sakkathaagi maadtiri :) nice dosa snaps and also step by step snaps are very clear.
Congos! on ur award!Enjoy maadi!
Happy weekend!
Mangala, I absolutely loved the recipe and it's very very new to me.Love the way you pic a step ny step pic for spreading the dosa. awesome on the whole.
U have some great recipes up your sleeve
The dosa looks sooooooo crisp..I like the method you have used to spread the dosa..Thanks for sharing :)
crispy n yummy dosa..new version to me...its amazing..the way u making it...
happy weekends...
Cucumber dosa sounds great Mangala and new to me...Looks perfect and crisp....nice step wise presentation...Thanks for sharing...Congrats on ur well deserved award dear.
I love paper - had no clude how it is made... Have to try it...
awesome!! being a southindian, im already droolin over the dosa
Wow.. Great idea, thanks for sharing. Looks so thin crispy and yummy.
Wowie, what a picture to see my first time visiting! It looks so perfect... I wanna try it!
Lovely pictures, Mangala! Did not now abou the plastic thingy for spreading dosa. Dosa looks great!
Hey...thats a wonderful way of making dosa and just the way I like it, thin n crispy. Love the step by step pics.
Btw..thats a great profile pic.
Oh wow nice crispy looking so yummy dear. Congrats on ur award to
Thanks soo much pavitra ,vaniand poornima
Paper dosa hege maadodu antha share madidakke thanks kanri. Though I have seen cucumber dosa in many blogs I have not tried it. You post is tempting me to try it out. Off late I am really busy with office work so could not make a visit here.
Mangala...lovely dosa...this is of my kind..
I generally love dosa which are crispy like this..will definitely give a try.I liked the way u hv prepared dosa likes crepes...yummy..
Wow crispy dosas.. love the first pic..Great way to make dosas.
that looks very crisp & yum
wow Mangala Dosa looks very crispy. Thanks for the tip. Congratulations on well deserved award. Hey you can send this to my CFK:rice event.
Such a nice idea to spread the dosa! First time here, glad I made it :)
Hey thanks evryone
wow~~ soooo different! Thtz an innovative recipe! hats off to u! it looks great
Hi,first time to ur blog..this dosai is soo gud..love ur blog
That's some crisp....wow...thanks for the step by step pics....Congrats on ur award
great presentation dear....dosa looks very crispy nd yummy. technique is also superb dear...
Nice way to make dosas! Never seen it this way... And cucumber dosa sonunds so healthy and looks so yummy!
My first time here, and loved your space!
this is so crisp! ur clicks r great mangala.
mast tellevu mangala... I just love it. I really like your blog. Add more recipes and at the same time don't forget to visit my both the blogs...:)
first time here. Your pics are very creative. Cucumber dosa is very new to me.. will be trying it soon :)
Hi Mangala. This is my first visit to your blog. Lovely blog and a yummy collection of recipes. I am really impressed with your photography skills and excellent technique of spreading dosa I believe even the french crepes are made in the same fashion.
Will love to hear from you , do drop by my space.
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