Well, Who is not familiar with macaroni & cheese? while it may be popular dish in the western world i am not sure how many of us(Indian's) would like it just the way they prepare it. Personally it's too much of a cheese.. i feel the same for most of the pasta dishes. But i like pasta though, so wanted to always do something with it, kind of indianise, spice it up a little bit:-). And that's how my pasta salad recipe was born. I used the bow shaped pasta just for the great look it offers to the dish. You can use any shaped/kind of course!. This dish has obviously less cheese in it and has vegitables and inddian spices. Hope u guys like this one.
1/2 cup bow shaped pasta
4-5 cherry tomatoes
1/2 onion nicely
1/2 cup Swiss guard or spinach nicely chopped
1tsp each ginger and garlic chopped
2-3 green chillies
4tbs Parmesan cheese freshly grated .
4tbs milk
salt to taste
2tbs olive oil
Method :
1)Take a heavy bottom pan put 2 cups of water and bring it to boil. Then add salt and pasta when it is half done switch of the gas and drain the excess water. Keep it aside.
2) Take a pan add little olive oil,when it is hot add ginger, garlic nicely chopped, green chillies,onion when it turns little golden brown then add Swiss guard or spinach of your choice ..then add tomatoes and salt if required .
3) Then add pasta ,Parmesan cheese and milk saute this for 4-5 minutes .
4) Serve hot with grated cheese on the top .
I am sending this pasta salad to '15 Minute Cooking' hosted by Mahima

this is sooo very colourful, Mangala. Awesome salad!!
Love the Pasta salad, so colorful and yummy.Great entry, Mangala! :)
i am sure to try this. looks great. thx for sending mangala..great pic.
Colourful salad, simple and yummy easy salad Mangala!
Yum! love it. Very colourful.
this looks sooo good!!! I have a terrific pasta/pizza craving now... your pic is making my mouth water! wish i lived next door!
Mangala, this is amazing... When I saw your comment I thought you must have penne or Rotini but when I came here I was amazed I love the bow shaped pasta (there is nothing much about the taste though) I sply love the mini bows... Lovely color and its different from what I made its simple and quick right for summer to finish off work... Oh Cheese oh ... Last week was too much cheese for us to I cut down on that but now I feel that I made a mistake I need some of your... taking off right to your place :)
delicious Farfelle Mangala.....pictures are awsome...my mouths watering!
I am going to surely try this Mangala.these are my kids favorite Pasta.I have tried this in pizza hut.its really good.I was searching for the recipee.thanku so much for posting it. it looks easy too....
superchef ,.Tahnks for the comment
Asha ...Thanks soo much for the wonderful, comment
Mahima ...Tahnks i am glad that u liked my dish
Satya ,Priya ..Tahnks for visitng and for wonderful comment
Kitty matti ..Yeah ! i know ...its soo yummy try this soon then
Ramya ..Thanks soo much those words r very onspiring Tahnsk
Sowmya Aneesh ..hey My darling ..i am sure i will love this salad ...Try this let me know
it sooooo tempting
looks so pretty and colorful, Mangala :)
Mangala thats looking awesome.. so colourful and nice click dear...
pasta looks awesome n colorful with beautiful pictures...thanks for the lovely comments on my blog mnagala :)
Pasta is always welcome. This is such an easy dish, really tempting. Colorful and delicious.
I have tried this little bow! they are so different in texture :) and this recipe looks so appetizing and colorful :)
this looks great! we too get tired of "regular" pasta and need to spice it up a bit. nice idea of indianizing it :)
Pasta in any form tastes great right. Be it salad, or cheesy sauces or anything else.Nice recipe
same here, though I like the pasta, I donot like the cheese & the bland taste they give to pasta..,I also keep trying many versions using pasta as the basic ingredient :)
loved your version & as usual very nice clicks Mangala...
Hi Mangala,
Nimma dish nodlikke tumba chanda kanistade :) rush hour-ge perfect dish easy and fab. tasting gorgeous dish ri :)
Enjoy maadi!
Wow!!!the pasta looks very colorful & yummy.nice desi twist mangala :)
wowww...superb presentation...
so colorful dish n tempting...and yummy too....grt entry
Yeah you are right most of us don't like the western version which is bland but to tell you the truth I have no such probs with the cheese though if there is loads of spice in the dish. Yours is definitely a better and healthy option and loved the pics
I am not fond of the American Mac and cheese either. I like the way I do it, and too much cheese just turns me off. I like that you used bow pastas, a tad different from the regular elbows.
Quick and simple.Looks yummy.
Mangaluu..:D..clap clap for cooking up that yummy dish under 15 mins..:)
Bow shaped paste always look cute to me....This recipe sounds yum and looks droolworthy...
Lovely pasta salad Mangala.....great entry lol..
Yummy pasta salad..!
The pasta looks simple and yum..Nice clicks too!
Looks colourful... Yummy recipe!
pasta is my quick fix idea too :)
WOw...picture looks too gud, as usual. Love this recipe, simple and neat.
I hav seen this pasta and the recipe sounds tempting to try!!
First time here.hopped from preethis.and the salad exactly is a 15 mins task..i am going to try it for sure.ur blog is aweosme and am sure to keep visiting.
looks colorful dear,i dont like pasta,will make it for my husband:)
this looks colorful too......nice clicks!!!!
Pasta looks so perfect..will try this easy version
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